D-Drill's Julie White joins government's Small Business Council

A leading female figure in the construction industry has joined a new council of business leaders chosen by the Government to help provide a voice for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Julie White, the managing director of D-Drill & Sawing – which has an office in Sheffield – has been invited by Kevin Hollinrake MP, the Minister for Enterprise, Markets and Small Business, to join the Small Business Council.

The council will serve as an advisory body to the government, providing ‘valuable perspectives on the challenges facing UK SMEs’ as well as offering suggestions to help overcome any barriers to growth.

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The first meeting of the council took place on Thursday (February 22) and Julie, who is also the chair of Build UK, has committed to representing construction as well as highlighting issues that affect all SMEs, which make up 99.9 per cent of all businesses in the UK and support 27 million jobs.

Julie WhiteJulie White
Julie White

She said: “I’m honoured to have been selected to join the new Small Business Council and welcome this opportunity to share my thoughts on what it’s like doing business in the current climate.

“Everyone knows that trading is tough, and it’s vital that SMEs are given as much support as possible to help them to grow.

“Working with business, the government can help to create the right economic conditions to help us all flourish by ensuring consistent policy, improving procurement and providing support for skills.”

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