Through loneliness and grief, taking a big step forward for Yorkshire walkers as groups join together

The wellbeing effects of taking a good walk through North Yorkshire’s countryside have long been known - whether it’s to find peace in the beauty of the region’s many vistas or to improve cardiovascular fitness.

And the future looks bright for wellbeing walking groups across the county who have joined together to unite under one banner to attract a residents to get active within their communities.

Ramblers Wellbeing Walks was launched nationally by the Ramblers, Britain’s largest walking community, at the start of 2022.

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North Yorkshire Sport (NYS) has worked with Ramblers and North Yorkshire County Council’s Stronger Communities to bring together several existing walking for health groups, including some that have been operating for as long as 15 years to help ease the transition.

Walkers in Skipton who have supported each other through life's ups and downsWalkers in Skipton who have supported each other through life's ups and downs
Walkers in Skipton who have supported each other through life's ups and downs

Existing groups that now come under the Ramblers Wellbeing Walks umbrella include Skipton Walkers, Hambleton Strollers, North Craven Strollers, South Craven Strollers and Richmondshire Wellbeing Walkers.

A council grant fund of £8000 has helped establish two new groups in Scarborough and Masham.

A further £8,000 will be provided for the next year to expand the reach of the scheme, geographically and to specific groups of people, such as black and minority ethnic communities.

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Also on the horizon for the groups include creating links with care providers to reach people who might not ordinarily take part in walks.

Chris Nash, the chair of Skipton Walkers, said: “We meet every Monday. We normally do three different walks, so we cater for all levels of ability. Partly it gives people a bit of physical activity, gets them out of the house, but even more important is meeting up and chatting with friends.

“A lot of our members are quite elderly, a lot of them live alone and I think it keeps them active and gets them out and about.”

Group member Cynthia Wood said: “I moved to Skipton 13 years ago and didn’t know anybody. I heard about the walking group, joined it and have really enjoyed meeting up every Monday. From there, things have snowballed to other outings.”

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And fellow member Pat Slater added: “A friend introduced me to the group nine months after my husband died. I’ve been coming for 15 years and have enjoyed it. When I started, I went with the leg-stretchers, but I’m afraid now I’m down to the slower walk.”

As well as bringing groups together, NYS has coordinated training to build, support and sustain walking groups. This has included training for 25 volunteer walk leaders, which has particularly helped the new groups to enhance their activity. In addition, nine people have completed a “train the trainer” course, which enables groups to deliver walk leader training to potential volunteers.

Hambleton Strollers member Marion Archer said: “The feeling after a Strollers’ walk is great. You just feel so much better. Through several joint surgeries, I have been able to get up and go afterwards with great support from others around me. It is good physically and for my mental health. I enjoy the chatter with the exercise. I would urge others to give it a go.”

NYCC’s executive member for stronger communities, Coun Greg White, said: “There is a strong appetite within North Yorkshire’s communities to support each other, backed by the will and skills to make that happen.

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“This funding is benefiting people across the county, thanks to the efforts of North Yorkshire Sport and the dedicated individuals within these walking groups.”

David Watson, chief executive of NYS, said: “Even a small amount of walking will give your health and wellbeing a significant boost if you are currently not active, as many have found out.

“Before the pandemic lockdowns, people may not have been out walking much, but joining RamblersWellbeing Walks North Yorkshire has given them new purpose.

“The walks are a great way to meet new people, walk in good company, and to give your health and wellbeing a boost. Maybe you need some support to experience the joys of walking. Everyone is welcome, so give it a try.”

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NYS’s current focus is looking at opportunities to establish new walking groups in the Ryedale and Selby districts.

It comes as it was announced GPs will start prescribing walking and cycling as part of a trial in England to help improve mental and physical wellbeing and tackle health disparities.

The Department for Transport announced on Monday that £12.7 million has been given to 11 local authorities to fund pilot social prescriptions as well as projects like adult cycle training, walking groups and free bike loans.

The pilots will kick off this year and run until 2025 in Bath and North East Somerset, Bradford, Cornwall, Cumbria, Doncaster, Gateshead, Leeds, Nottingham, Plymouth, Suffolk and Staffordshire.

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