One in 10 young mothers spot breast cancer while pregnant or breast-feeding

Picture: Rui Vieira/PA WirePicture: Rui Vieira/PA Wire
Picture: Rui Vieira/PA Wire
One in 10 younger women who develop breast cancer first spot signs when they are pregnant or breastfeeding, according to new research.

The number of women aged 45 and under diagnosed with breast cancer is thought to be on the rise, with an estimated 5,600 new cases in this age group each year.

Studies have suggested that the longer women delay motherhood, the higher the chance they will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.

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The average age of mothers in 2014 increased to 30, around four years higher than in the 1970s.

New research from Breast Cancer Care among 496 women aged 45 and under who developed breast cancer has found one in 10 spotted signs while pregnant or breastfeeding.

More than a third (39%) of women went through treatment when their youngest child was aged five or under.

Half (53%) of 196 women who had young children felt the biggest impact of treatment was being too ill to care for them.

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The biggest fear for 66% of mothers was not seeing their children grow up.

Female breast cancer is strongly related to age, with almost half of all cases among those aged 65 and over.

Rates rise steeply from around age 30 to 34, level off for women in their 50s, then rise further at age 65 to 69.

Rates drop slightly for women aged 70 to 74 and then increase steadily to plateau in those aged 85 and over.

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