Mother's Day gift ideas

Emma Bridgewater mug, £19.95, from Daisy Park, Bridgewater mug, £19.95, from Daisy Park,
Emma Bridgewater mug, £19.95, from Daisy Park,
Mother's Day demands thoughtfulness not grab and go gifts. Sharon Dale reports.

Most of us love flowers and chocolates. They’re a safe option when it comes to gift giving but some occasions demand more and Mother’s Day, which is on Sunday, March 26, is one of them.

More does not mean more money. It means more thought, which costs nothing. So here are a few ideas on how to make you mum happy on Mother’s Day.

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*A well-chosen card with a lovely handwritten message inside means so much more than a gift. Even signing it with the words “I love you”, rather than just “love” makes a big difference.

Brushed gold teapot, £35.95, miafleur.comBrushed gold teapot, £35.95,
Brushed gold teapot, £35.95,

*Flowers and chocolates. Yes, they can be predictable but not if you put a personal spin on them. Instead of splashing out on a ready-wrapped bouquet, buy a bunch of daffodils or support a local florist and choose some interesting stems and foliage that match the décor in your mum’s house. One of my favourite combinations is white roses, blue thistle and eucalyptus. Pop your flowers in vase – you can find inexpensive ones at Primark, which has coloured glass vases for £2 each, or check out charity shops for vintage vessels. You could also copy Daisy Park’s idea, pictured, and put them in an Emma Bridgewater mug.

*Breakfast in bed. When my sister and I were children, cold toast and spilled tea on a tray was the done thing for Mother’s Day. Now we are grown up and my mum lives miles away so it’s no longer an option. However, you can revive the tradition by creating your own breakfast or afternoon tea tray. Think boutique hotel style. I love the brushed gold teapot opposite, which is £35.95, from Mia Fleur but if you’re on a budget, then Wilko has teapots from £6 and cafetieres from £4. It also sells pretty melamine trays for £4.50. Add some of your mum’s favourite tea/coffee and some fancy cakes or biscuits from Betty’s.

*Personalised wooden crates from Plantabox are a great idea and they can be recycled for storage or used as planters. The Mother’s Day Off version is £29.95 and you can fill it with all the ingredients for a relaxing time, including pyjamas, a DVD, books, bubble bath and chocolates. If you can’t afford a personalised box, then buy one off the shelf. Store Twenty One and Ikea sell pretty boxes and baskets or, even cheaper, cover a cardboard box in wrapping paper.

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*Picture it. Make a mini photo album of some of your favourite mum moments and don’t forget to add captions. It helps to plan for this so you have a good selection of images to choose from. Ikea has a fantastic selection of inexpensive frames. The vintage-style frames from Decorators Notebook, pictured opposite, are a stylish option.

Personalised gift crate, £29.95, gift crate, £29.95,
Personalised gift crate, £29.95,

* Handmade is all the rage and spending time making a present is one of the most thoughtful things you can do. For ideas on what to make visit the Hobbycraft website, which has a great craft blog, Flossie Teacake,, has some great tutorials on how to make everything from heart-shaped peppermint creams to cake toppers and lavender sachets. I also like by Caroline Burke.

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