Benefits, diesel tax and four other laws being changed from this week

This week is the first week of April, and that means new laws for 2018 are coming into effect - including for motorists.

Here we run down six laws including motoring, tax workplace and home regulation changes which could affect you from today.

Road tax

New rules on Road Tax were introduced in April 2017 - and this April will mark the first year many motorists will be charged the new flat rates for the second year onwards.

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-> New diesel tax charges and motoring law changes in fullThe second year standard rates are now:

£140 a year for petrol or diesel vehicles

£130 a year for alternative fuel vehicles (hybrids, bioethanol and LPG)

£0 a year for vehicles with zero CO2 emissions

New rules will mostly affect drivers of new diesel cars in a clampdown on emissions.

Diesel cars will be pushed up a band from April 1, if they fail to meet the latest Euro 6 emissions standards in real-word testing. The rise for a Ford Fiesta could be as little as £20-30, but a Porsche Cayenne would be hit with a rise in the hundreds of pounds. The changes don't apply to commercial vans or vehicles, only cars.

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