E-fit released after man tried to grab Bradford teen

An image of the man police want to speak to.An image of the man police want to speak to.
An image of the man police want to speak to.
Detectives investigating an incident where a man approached two 16-year-old girls in Bradford and grabbed one of their wrists have released an e-fit image of a man they want to speak to.

The man, who is described as Asian, is said to have approached two 16-year-old girls in Thorn Avenue, Heaton and asked them where they were going.  

He is alleged to have grabbed one of them by the wrist, but lost his grip when the other girl struck him with her bag, according to West Yorkshire Police. 

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The girls ran off after the incident, which is said to have happened close to the junction with Thorn Drive on 17 October, sometime between 11am and 11.20am. It was reported to police later that day. 

The man is described as being about six feet tall, of slim to medium build with short, curly black hair.  

He is believed to be around 40 to 45 years old and was wearing a black leather zipped jacket and blue jeans.He was stood close to a small, black car. 

Detective Inspector Alan Weekes, of Bradford District CID, said: "We are keen to speak to this man about his actions, which clearly caused some concern to the girls involved. 

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"While this matter is being treated as an attempt abduction, I would like to stress that there have been no further reports of similar incidents in the area.  

"Our enquiries are continuing and anyone with information, or anyone who may have this man in the area shortly before or after the times stated, is asked to contact PC 6705 Dyson at Bradford District CID on 101, quoting crime reference 13160496766 or to report anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555111."