Javid to appear before MPs as talks to save UK steel continue

Business Secretary Sajid Javid talks to workers as he leaves Tata Steel in Port Talbot, South Wales.Business Secretary Sajid Javid talks to workers as he leaves Tata Steel in Port Talbot, South Wales.
Business Secretary Sajid Javid talks to workers as he leaves Tata Steel in Port Talbot, South Wales.
Business Secretary Sajid Javid will be hauled in front of MPs and urged to prepare to temporarily nationalise Tata Steel to save tens of thousands of jobs in the UK.

Sheffield MP Clive Betts will be among up to 25 members of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Steel set to quiz the minister on plans to ensure the business has a future.

Tata has put its loss-making UK operations up for sale, affecting 15,000 employees including more than 2,000 in South Yorkshire.

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It is understood to want a quick sale, but Mr Betts said that was “unrealistic” and the government had to be ready to step in.

Up to 40,000 jobs - including those in the supply chain - could be lost if Tata shuts down.

Mr Betts said: “I think the Government is extremely worried about letting Tata go. It would be seen as a massive failure, one where they have not acted on behalf of British industry.

“I’m optimistic we can push government kicking and screaming into a place they don’t want to go.

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“They first said anything is possible. Then anything was possible short of nationalisation. But we’re keeping the pressure on.

“Negotiations over a takeover may take some time, if Tata decides to close in the meantime the government has to be prepared to step in. There may be a case for temporary nationalisation.

“I think there are possibilities for saving most of the steel industry. Any industry like this goes through cycles. It’s in a bad place at present and some capacity somewhere in the world will go. We just need to hold our nerve.”

The all party group is also set to discuss with Mr Javid ways of making the business more attractive to potential buyers, Mr Betts said.

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