How a mass transit network would turbocharge West Yorkshire’s economy for the next 100 years - Tracy Brabin

Picture this: you buy a ticket which gives you access to trams, buses and trains for any one of nine zones across your city. You’re given live updates about services, and timetables are planned so that you can step off a tram and straight on to a bus, connecting you to areas out of the network’s reach.

It sounds like the kind of modern, efficient mass transit system you might expect from a major European capital, like London, Paris or Lisbon. But this is the reality for people living a few miles south of us in Nottingham.

West Yorkshire – home to 2.4 million people – is the fourth largest urban area in the UK, yet our communities remain at the mercy of a patchy, unreliable public transport network to get around. This situation cannot be allowed to continue.

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