I’m thankful I held Mum’s hand as she died before care scandal – Dinah Keal

This was Dinah Keal's mother Gwen Hutton, 89, a couple of years before she passed away.This was Dinah Keal's mother Gwen Hutton, 89, a couple of years before she passed away.
This was Dinah Keal's mother Gwen Hutton, 89, a couple of years before she passed away.
I’M glad my mother didn’t live to see the Covid-19 pandemic – watching what is happening in our residential care homes during the current crisis is heartbreaking and cruel.
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My mum lived in a residential care home, a very good one, and sadly passed away over a year ago – and yes, I am glad.

She had dementia so wouldn’t have understood why we couldn’t visit her and would have been deeply upset at missing her twice weekly trips out with my sister and I.