Our respect for Claudia Lawrence’s father Peter and quest for truth over daughter’s disappearance – The Yorkshire Post says

Peter Lawrence with a photo of his missing daughter Claudia.Peter Lawrence with a photo of his missing daughter Claudia.
Peter Lawrence with a photo of his missing daughter Claudia.
OUR hearts go out, once again, to the family of Claudia Lawrence following the death of the missing chef’s father Peter.

The retired solicitor became a tireless campaigner after the mysterious disappearance of his 35-year-old daughter in York in March 2009 – and won the admiration of all for his persistence and humanity.

As a result of his efforts, and those of others, Mr Lawrence even secured a change to the law to make it possible for relatives to take control of their missing loved ones’ financial matters. Known as Claudia’s Law, there will be families who will be spared considerable heartache as a result of the reforms that he achieved and which were so deservedly recognised with an OBE.

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But the most poignant, and tragic, irony of all is that the 74-year-old died without ever knowing the fate of his daughter And as the Lawrence family said in their own tribute: “Despite Peter’s death, the message remains the same – where is Claudia?”

Peter Lawrence and his daughter Claudia in happier times before the chef's disappearance in March 2009.Peter Lawrence and his daughter Claudia in happier times before the chef's disappearance in March 2009.
Peter Lawrence and his daughter Claudia in happier times before the chef's disappearance in March 2009.

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