Why we’re giving papers away to the lonely thanks to Barclays – James Mitchinson

The Yorkshire Post is launching a new initiatie to deliver the newspaper to the lonely during the lockdown in conjunction with Barclays.The Yorkshire Post is launching a new initiatie to deliver the newspaper to the lonely during the lockdown in conjunction with Barclays.
The Yorkshire Post is launching a new initiatie to deliver the newspaper to the lonely during the lockdown in conjunction with Barclays.
ESPECIALLY at this time of year, when the chill wind makes even going for a walk seem like an effort, the line between lockdown and being locked up is, for some of our readers, dreadfully narrow.

Normal lines of communication – with friends, family and even neighbours – have been restricted or severed. The freedom to pop out to the local library perhaps, or to the hairdresser, has vanished into the breeze.

For people living alone, this may well turn out to be the hardest winter on record; certainly since the war, and it behoves all of us to help those for whom lockdown might as well be house arrest.

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Those of us in the business of purveying information – journalists have key worker status – have a particular duty to do what we can to share what we know as widely as possible. That’s why I am particularly pleased today to be able to announce a new initiative that will place free copies of The Yorkshire Post in the hands of people who will benefit from them the most.

YThe Yorkshire Post has won awards previously for its campaigning work on loneliness.YThe Yorkshire Post has won awards previously for its campaigning work on loneliness.
YThe Yorkshire Post has won awards previously for its campaigning work on loneliness.