Give police better protection from the courts as officers lose sight – Yorkshire Post Letters

Action needs to be taken against those criminals who assault the police.Action needs to be taken against those criminals who assault the police.
Action needs to be taken against those criminals who assault the police.
From: Dr Michael Lowry, Cookridge, Leeds.

THREE West Yorkshire Police officers lost their sight and thousands more were injured in just one year during attacks on duty (The Yorkshire Post,
January 6).

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There is an urgent need for review, not only of the punishments meted out to attackers of emergency workers, but the attitude of the public in terms of support for emergency workers following increased awareness over Protect the Protectors legislation.

Details have come to light of assaults on West Yorkshire Police officers in the past year.Details have come to light of assaults on West Yorkshire Police officers in the past year.
Details have come to light of assaults on West Yorkshire Police officers in the past year.

Living in a free and democratic society brings rewards and responsibilities, and it is never acceptable to assume that a uniform equals a fair target. Politicians, lawmakers and parents, it is time to get a grip and realign both attitudes and penalties for attackers.

No more mealy-mouthed pleas for mitigation; attack is attack and needs rigorous penalties to get the message over before things become even more out of control. It is never acceptable to breach reasonable standards, and we must reflect on how our society would be if we had no such emergency workers.

They support us – now we need to support them in doing their jobs safely.