Afghanistan retreat exposes UK foreign policy flaws – Yorkshire Post Letters

Former Afghan interpreters and veterans hold a demonstration outside Downing Street in London, calling for support and protection for Afghan interpreters and their families.Former Afghan interpreters and veterans hold a demonstration outside Downing Street in London, calling for support and protection for Afghan interpreters and their families.
Former Afghan interpreters and veterans hold a demonstration outside Downing Street in London, calling for support and protection for Afghan interpreters and their families.
From: David Wharton, White Horse Yard, Whitby.

WE watch the Government suggest they might allow 5,000 people to escape Afghanistan this year. People who have risked their lives to support British troops for more than 20 years.

Earlier this year the same Government found £45m to help migrants from Hong Kong escape increasing political oppression in the former colony. Up to five million people could be eligible to take part in this integration programme that will provide funding to help arrivals access housing, education and jobs.

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The politicians suggest this move delivers on the UK’s historic and moral commitment to the people of Hong Kong.

This was Boris Johnson addressing the House of Commons on the Afghanistan crisis.This was Boris Johnson addressing the House of Commons on the Afghanistan crisis.
This was Boris Johnson addressing the House of Commons on the Afghanistan crisis.

As we leave Afghanistan, along with our American allies, our new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth has been heading for the coast of China (half the aircraft and pilots American) as a show of power.

Does this mean we will leave one war at their command and that we will be willing to enter another with them?

From: Terry Palmer, South Lea Avenue, Hoyland, Barnsley.

WE should never have got involved in Afghanistan in the first place. Let them get on with their way of life – it’s got nothing to do with us and they should get no help from us in promoting their backward thinking.

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Don’t be surprised when armoury made in the West begins to appear. At least, thank God, many young lives in our own military will be saved by keeping our noses out of the Afghan affairs.

From: Geoffrey Brooking, Saxley Court, Havant.

IS there no bandwagon that Sir Keir Starmer does not jump on? First he criticises lockdowns and then the vaccine rollout. And now he criticises the Afghanistan withdrawal. Has he never heard of constructive opposition?

From: John Riseley, Harcourt Drive, Harrogate.

NO amount of good works, of Parliament giving away the living space of our people, will alter what this is: an enduring disgrace. Those who regard democracy with contempt have made their case. No party will again deserve our votes within my lifetime.

From: Michael Dennis, Laverton, Ripon.

IN his dreams, our Prime Minister likes to think he could emulate Winston Churchill. Perhaps it is just as well that he was not around in 1940, or the evacuation of Dunkirk might never have happened?

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