National newspapers in London derailing HS2 in North with their negativity and sniping – Yorkshire Post Letters

The Government has ordered a review into the viability of HS2.The Government has ordered a review into the viability of HS2.
The Government has ordered a review into the viability of HS2.
From: Nigel Davies, London.

HS2 does require much scrutiny and being held to account. The scrutiny, however, should also look at the benefits, and it is a pity that some Sunday newspapers spend each week undermining HS2, rather than looking at both sides of the argument. They do an excellent job on the negatives, but reflects one side only.

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Not once have they left their comfort zone and gone to Birmingham and reported on the construction (private and public) that is taking place in anticipation of the arrival of HS2. Nor has there been any coverage allowed, discussing with business bodies and politicians across the towns and cities of the North and the Midlands, explaining why HS2 is required to make Northern Powerhouse Rail a success and far more cost-effective. The woeful connections from the Midlands to the North should also be discussed.

HS2 is already under construction in London and Birmingham.HS2 is already under construction in London and Birmingham.
HS2 is already under construction in London and Birmingham.

With trust in media coverage at a low ebb, no wonder The Yorkshire Post and 32 newspapers across the North are finding such resonance with the Power Up The North campaign, not least in demanding to know why investment in infrastructure is consistently skewed towards London and the South East of England.

In the Brexit debate on Saturday, Alison McGovern MP stated that the Conservative Party was becoming a party of the South East. This is open to question, but will chime with reality if infrastructure requirements, such as HS2, are dismissed for vast areas of the UK.

Put cycling at top of agenda

Part of a HS2 construction site.Part of a HS2 construction site.
Part of a HS2 construction site.

From: Hazel Maxwell, Harrogate.

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IF some of the success of the UCI cycling event could be poured in to creating proper safe cycle lanes for the every-day cyclist, then that would be great.

Sport cycling is fine, but it doesn’t take people out of their cars. People cannot cycle safely from south Harrogate to the Hydro, for example, nor from north Harrogate to the various high schools. We know the roads are congested – cycling on congested roads is very unsafe. If we want to improve the environment, and people’s health, let’s get cycling at the top of the transport agenda.

From: Dr Roger Litton, Harrogate.

TRAPPED in our own homes; appointments cancelled; the Stray ruined; local businesses losing millions? Never again!

From: Clive Broadhead, Harrogate.

DUE to the pros and cons of Harrogate trade and the physical damage to the Stray, would it be 
a suitable compromise to relocate cycling events in future to the Great Yorkshire Showground?