Research is nothing more than common sense lessons from the University of the Obvious - Yorkshire Post letters

Research on seagulls is among this reader's bugbears.Research on seagulls is among this reader's bugbears.
Research on seagulls is among this reader's bugbears.
From: C J Ball, Finkil Street, Hove Edge, Brighouse.

ALMOST every day we are enlightened in the media by pearls of wisdom from many sources.

Recently it was reported, researched at goodness knows what expense, that seagulls will take longer to steal your chips if you stare at them than if you just walk away leaving the chips unattended.

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Huddersfield Town caretaker manager Mark Hudson.Huddersfield Town caretaker manager Mark Hudson.
Huddersfield Town caretaker manager Mark Hudson.

Now we are solemnly informed (The Yorkshire Post, August 30) by Mark Hudson, the interim manager of Huddersfield Town FC, a team currently languishing at the foot of the Championship, that “Town must learn to win games”.

Over my long life I have acquired a wealth of such knowledge. For example I remember that academics told us that children from poorer homes are less likely to have books and will take longer to learn to read. I have continued to add to this wealth by my own studies at the University of the Bleeding Obvious.

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Can we not have research into fields which just might produce some practical advice or change in behaviour? For example, from my own observations, but as yet unsupported by empirical evidence, I have a theory that the nearer the large SUV is parked to the school gates, the higher the BMI (Body Mass Index) of the child who will come out to climb into it.