West Yorkshire results: Ed Balls out in Leeds; Galloway goes in Bradford

Former Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls concedes defeatFormer Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls concedes defeat
Former Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls concedes defeat
ED BALLS became the highest-profile casualty of a disastrous General Election performance for Labour, losing his seat to the Conservatives in a shock result.

The shadow chancellor was beaten by Andrea Jenkyns by 18,776 votes to 18,354 in MORLEY AND OUTWOOD - a majority of 422 - after a recount.

He said the disappointment at his individual political demise was “as nothing compared to the sense of sorrow I have” at Labour’s showing across the rest of the UK.

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In his speech, Mr Balls said: “Any personal disappointment I have at this result is as nothing as compared to the sense of sorrow I have at the result Labour has achieved across the UK tonight in Scotland, as well as in England and in Wales, and the sense of concern I have about the future.

Former Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls concedes defeatFormer Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls concedes defeat
Former Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls concedes defeat

“We will now face a five years where questions will arise about the future of our Union, about whether we can stay as a member of the European Union and fight for jobs and investment, whether we can make sure we secure our National Health Service at a time when public spending is cut.

“Those are real concerns to me and to many people across the United Kingdom.”

He added: “Even on this difficult night I am sure the Labour Party will emerge in the coming weeks and months more united and more determined and, in the next few years, I think, more than ever we will need in Parliament and across the country a Labour Party absolutely determined to stand up for working people in this constituency and in our country.

“I am confident Labour will be back.”

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The count at Leeds Arena. Picture: Jonathan Gawthorpe.The count at Leeds Arena. Picture: Jonathan Gawthorpe.
The count at Leeds Arena. Picture: Jonathan Gawthorpe.

In BRADFORD WEST, George Galloway was dealt a knockout blow after he polled just 8,557 votes to Labour candidate Naz Shah’s 19,977 votes.

The Respect candidate lost his seat after Labour comfortably overturned the left wing maverick’s huge majority of over 10,000.

It was day to remember for Ms Shah, who was selected at the 11th hour after the favoured Labour candidate stepped down after just four days.

Ms Shah, a mother-of-three who won sympathy and support when she spoke out about her difficult upbringing and forced marriage at 15, thanked “the wonderful people of Bradford” for placing their trust in her.

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The Huddersfield election count Picture: Scott MerryleesThe Huddersfield election count Picture: Scott Merrylees
The Huddersfield election count Picture: Scott Merrylees

She thanked her fellow candidates but denounced Mr Galloway, saying his campaign had “demeaned our democracy”.

She said “personal attacks on me have not worked. The people of Bradford West have seen through this and you have been sent on your way.”

She thanked Ed Miliband’s wife Justine for twice visiting Bradford West and thanked Tory opponent George Grant for publicly condemning personal attacks on her.

Mr Galloway, who was elected to Bradford West in a by-election in 2012, failed to convinced voters to return him to Parliament.

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He had faced complaints from some that he hadn’t spent enough time in Bradford and had not fulfilled some of his promises.

After defeat, he congratulated Ms Shah on a “remarkable victory,” adding: “More remarkable has been the disastrous night for the Labour Party as a whole I am very sorry to say.

“The people of Bradford will wake up to discover a Conservative government back, a Labour leader who will probably resign by lunchtime and a shadow Foreign Secretary who has lost their seat.

“That’s very bad news for Bradford and not what any of us who call ourselves part of the Labour movement want to see.”

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Mr Galloway added a cryptic comment, saying “a hyena can dance on a lion’s grave but can’t ever be a lion.”

He hinted at his next political move, saying: “I’m going off now to plan my next campaign.”

He wouldn’t say if he would be running for London Mayor.

Mary Creagh secured her third term as MP for WAKEFIELD in a campaign that was believed to be much closer than the result suggested.

Ms Creagh won 17,301 votes although earlier in the evening her rivals were suggesting she maybe in trouble.

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She said: “I am absolutely thrilled to serve a third term. We have had a very difficult and disappointing night in Scotland.

“We have gained seats elsewhere but not as many as we would have liked to have taken.”

The former shadow health minister increased her majority.

In the 2010 elections it was 1,613 but after last night’s election it is now 2,613.

Tory candidate Antony Calvert finished second with 14,688 votes.

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And the HEMSWORTH seat was held by Labour’s Jon Trickett. He took 51.3 per cent of the vote to retain his seat.

Mr Trickett said: “I am very happy to be elected. I love my constituents they are great people. they are very strong minded, hardworking people and I try to reflect that in how I work.”

Christopher Pearson, from the Conservatives, came second place with 9,694 votes.

Young pretender Richard Burgon swept to victory in LEEDS EAST with a massive 12,500 majority, and promised to carry on the legacy of people’s politician George Mudie.

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He also follows in the footsteps of his uncle Colin Burgon, who represented Elmet from 1997 to 2010.

Burgon used his winning speech to pay tribute to his supporters and family, but also took time to reflect on the Labour party’s disappointing night nationally.

“It’s disappointing to see the results coming through,” he said.

“I wanted to see a Labour Government to save our NHS from privatisation , to abolish the bedroom tax which affects 1,499 homes in East Leeds alone. I wanted a Labour Government in order to increase the minimum wage and make society fairer.

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“We are not going to get a Labour majority Government and that makes me sad. Not for any personal ambitions, but because I think that would be in the best interests of the people of East Leeds.”

Hilary Benn stormed to his fifth General Election victory, holding his LEEDS CENTRAL seat by a comfortable margin for Labour, and securing almost 5,000 more votes than all the other candidates put together- and 55 per cent of the total

His closest rival was Tory candidate Nicola Wilson, who secured 7,791 votes.

The turnout in the constituency, the biggest in the city with an electorate of more than 80,000, was 55.35 per cent, lower than the citywide average of 65.43 per cent.

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FORMER soldier Kris Hopkins outgunned his rivals to take the Keighley seat for the Tories, adding slightly to his majority from five years ago.

The seat had been highlighted by the Conservatives in the run up to the election as a key battleground and crucial in deciding who would be the next Prime Minister.

Mr Hopkins, who won with a majority of less than 3,000 five years ago, was delighted after seeing off the challenge of Labour’s John Grogan.

The result was a disaster for the Lib Dems, and their candidate Gareth Epps, mirroring the national picture.

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Mr Grogan saw his hopes of returning to Parliament left in tatters. He was Labour MP for Selby for 13 years until 2010 when his constituency was abolished following boundary changes.

Tory maverick Philip Davies was buoyant after holding his SHIPLEY seat, with a majority of more than 9,000.

Mr Davies, who became the first MP to publicly call for Britain to withdraw from the European Union, and who is a member of the ‘Better Off Out’ campaign, polled 25,269 votes, leaving him well ahead of his closest challenger, Labour’s Steve Clapcote.

When he first took the seat 10 years ago, he did so with a majority of just 422 votes.

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That rose to just under 10,000 at the last election, and this time he again comprehensively beat off Labour’s challenge.

Immediately after the result was declared he vowed to represent Shipley in the same vein.

He said: “It’s a great honour to represent the Shipley constituency, and I am very pleased that my vote has gone up each time.

“I will continue to do as I have done before and be an independent MP who won’t accept a promotion.

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“Whoever forms the Government, I will hold them rigorously to account. I will be an independent voice on the backbenches.”

The result was another disaster for the Lib Dems, whose candidate Andrew Martin managed less than 2,000 votes.

The turnout for the constituency, which covers Shipley, Baildon, Bingley and the rural areas between Bradford and Keighley, was 71.9 percent. UKIP’s Waqas Khan polled 4,479 votes.

Labour candidate Judith Cummins easily saw off challenges from Ukip and from the Conservatives in BRADFORD SOUTH.

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She polled 16,328 votes to ensure the seat remained in Labour hands after long-serving MP Gerry Sutcliffe decided not to stand.

Tory candidate Tanya Graham was second with 9878 votes, with Ukip’s Jason Smith third on 9057.

The Lib Dem man, Andrew Tear, polled only 1,094 votes.

Mrs Cummins, a former mature student who is married with two children, said it was an “honour and a privilege to be stood here as the elected MP for Bradford South.”

She added: “I will stand up for local people and local families and put them first.

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“The people of Bradford West have placed their trust in me. I will work hard for Bradford South.”

Gerry Sutcliffe hailed the result as a good majority for Labour. He said predictions of a Ukip breakthrough had been wrong.

“It was a Ukip target seat but they didn’t break through.”

Liberal Democrat David Ward cut a dejected figure in the hours leading up to the official announcement that he had lost his BRADFORD EAST seat to Labour’s Imran Hussain.

Mr Ward was defending a slender majority of just 365 votes in one of the most marginal of constituencies.

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Mr Hussain polled 7,000 more votes than Mr Ward, who is a former Bradford councillor.

The Lib Dem man had won praise from residents for being a campaigning and hard working MP - but that counted for little as his vote evaporated on a bad night for Liberal Democrats.

Mr Ward wasn’t present on the platform as the results were read out by the returning officer.

Mr Hussain, a barrister and the deputy leader of Bradford Council, said that his campaign had been one of the most “vibrant and energetic” that he had been involved with.

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Rachel Reeves held the LEEDS WEST seat for Labour with an increased majority of more than 10,000.

Speaking after the declaration, Ms Reeves conceded it was a disappointing night for her party, but was still proud to represent her constituency.

“Tonight has been a difficult night for my party. We will have to learn from and understand the result.

“I am sorry that the manifesto that I fought for will not be implemented, but I am also sorry for the people of Leeds West and the people of my country that we can’t fulfil it.”

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She also refused to be drawn on whether she feels Ed Miliband is the right man to lead the Labour Party.

The seat has been a Labour stronghold since 1987 when John Battle took the seat from Liberal Michael Meadowcroft.

Rachael Reeves has held the seat for Labour since Battle retired in 2010, when she received 16,389 votes.

The Conservatives held COLNE VALLEY as defending candidate Jason McCartney increased his majority.

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Labour’s Jane East fell more than 5,000 seats short of taking the seat, as her opponent was elected for a second Parliamentary term in office.

The seat was considered to be a relatively key marginal in the run-up to the polls, with Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives all having held the seat at various points during the last 28 years.

However, the result on the night mirrored the national swing from the reds to the blues, as Mr McCartney took more than 44 per cent of the vote, enjoying a swing of 7.5 per cent in the process.

Labour took just under 20,000 votes and Melanie Roberts of UKIP came in a comfortable third ahead of the Liberal Democrats.

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Nick Clegg’s party suffered a collapse to the tune of 22 percentage points, as all three of the parties ahead of them increased their vote share.

The Greens meanwhile mustered nearly 2,000 votes - a considerable improvement on their 2010 showing.

The election battle for the DEWSBURY constituency had been billed from the start as a two horse race, with both Labour and the Conservatives naming it as a key seat in their respective campaigns early on.

Most national and constituency polls had pointed towards a win for Labour’s Paula Sherriff - a health worker and councillor for Pontefract North who was selected from an all-women shortlist back in November 2013.

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Since then she has been on the campaign trail, arguing that the town deserved a ‘full-time MP’ and promising to act on unpopular services changes at its local hospital.

Nobody was taking it for granted though, with the only thing that every party agreed on being that the result was too close to call.

But shortly after 7am, the Labour was given some respite with news that it had won back the seat with a majority of 1,351.

Miss Sherriff said: “I know it’s been a very long evening and long morning for everybody. I would like to thank my amazing campaign team, many of which are here with me this evening.”

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In HUDDERSFIELD one thing remained a constant - the town’s MP Barry Sheerman. With eight General Election victories under his belt, Mr Sheerman could have been forgiven for feeling confident that a ninth would follow.

But a night spent watching other Labour colleagues, including many ‘dear friends’ in Scotland, losing their seats clearly tempered the delight he felt at being re-elected once more.

“I think the old politics is dead,” he told the assembled media after the results were announced.

“I think a real change has occurred. We’re no longer in that two party or three party system many of us have got comfortable with.”

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Acknowledging the devastating blow dealt to Labour in Scotland, he said that there were challenging times ahead for his party there and elsewhere in the UK.

“The Labour party will have to reinvent itself in England and Wales,” he said. “Social media has changed politics. Everything I know has changed in this election.”

An extremely-close contest in HALIFAX saw Labour have retain power after Holly Lynch edged past Conservative candidate Philip Allott by fewer than 500 votes.

The Labour candidate’s 17,506 votes was just 428 ahead of Mr Allott’s 17,078, with a voter turnout of 62.1 per cent.

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The Conservatives gained a 5 per cent share of the vote from the 2010 result, slashing their 1,500 majority from five years ago, but it still wasn’t enough to wrestle power away from the incumbent Labour party.

Ms Lynch, who was a late replacement for Linda Riordan, who stepped down in February after 10 years due to ill health. said: “I’m delighted. Mixed results for Labour across the country but I’m delighted to have the opportunity to work on some big issues in Halifax.

There was election night triumph for the Conservatives in Calderdale as they held on to the CALDER VALLEY.

Craig Whittaker MP will represent the constituency for a second term after winning with a majority of 4,427 votes.

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Mr Whittaker received 23,354 votes - 2957 more than he did in the 2010 General Election - with a voter turnout of 67.3 per cent.

The seat fell to the Conservatives in 2010, following the retirement of Labour’s Christine McCafferty.

There was wild applause when Mr Whittaker’s winning share of the vote was announced.

Labour’s Josh Fenton-Glynn received 18,927 votes and UKIP’s Paul Rogan came in third place with 5,950 votes.

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Liberal Democrat candidate Alisdair Calder McGregor followed with 2,666.


Jo Cox (elected) Labour Party 43% 21,820

Imtiaz Ameen Conservative Party 31% 15,769

Aleks Lukic UK Independence Party 18% 9,080

John Lawson Liberal Democrats 5% 2,396

Ian Bullock Green Party 2% 1,232

Dawn Wheelhouse Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 0% 123

Karl Varley Patriotic Socialist Party 0% 53


Imran Hussain (elected) Labour Party 47% 19,312

David Ward Liberal Democrats 30% 12,228

Iftikhar Ahmed Conservative Party 11% 4,682

Owais Rajput UK Independence Party 10% 4,103

Dave Stevens Green Party 2% 871

James Lewthwaite British Democrats 1% 210


Judith Cummins (elected) Labour Party 43% 16,328

Tanya Graham Conservative Party 26% 9,878

Jason Smith UK Independence Party 24% 9,057

Andrew Robinson Green Party 3% 1,243

Andrew Tear Liberal Democrats 3% 1,094


Naseem Shah (elected) Labour Party 50% 19,977

George Galloway Respect Party 21% 8,557

George Grant Conservative Party 15% 6,160

Harry Boota UK Independence Party 8% 3,140

Alun Griffiths Liberal Democrats 3% 1,173

Celia Hickson Green Party 3% 1,085

James Kirkcaldy Independent 0% 100

Therese Hirst English Democrats 0% 98


Craig Whittaker (elected) Conservative Party 44% 23,354

Josh Fenton-Glynn Labour Party 35% 18,927

Paul Graham Rogan UK Independence Party 11% 5,950

Alisdair Calder McGregor Liberal Democrats 5% 2,666

Jenny Shepherd Green Party 4% 2,090

Rod Sutcliffe Yorkshire First 1% 389

Joe Stead World Peace Through Song 0% 165


Jason McCartney (elected) Conservative Party 44% 25,246

Jane East Labour Party 35% 19,868

Melanie Roberts UK Independence Party 10% 5,734

Cahal Burke Liberal Democrats 6% 3,407

Chas Ball Green Party 3% 1,919

Paul Salveson Yorkshire First 1% 572

Melodie Staniforth Independent 0% 54


Paula Sherriff (elected) Labour Party 42% 22,406

Simon Reevell Conservative Party 39% 20,955

Mark Thackray UK Independence Party 12% 6,649

Ednan Hussain Liberal Democrats 4% 1,924

Adrian Cruden Green Party 3% 1,366

Richard Carter Yorkshire First 0% 236

Steve Hakes Christian Peoples Alliance 0% 94


Alec Shelbrooke (elected) Conservative Party 48% 27,978

Veronica King Labour Party 34% 19,488

Paul Spivey UK Independence Party 11% 6,430

Stewart Golton Liberal Democrats 5% 2,640

Dave Brooks Green Party 2% 1,261


Holly Lynch (elected) Labour Party 40% 17,506

Philip Allott Conservative Party 39% 17,078

Liz Phillips UK Independence Party 13% 5,621

Mohammad Ilyas Liberal Democrats 4% 1,629

Gary Scott Green Party 3% 1,142

Asama Javed Respect Party 1% 465

Trevor Bendrien Christian Party 1% 312


Jon Trickett (elected) Labour Party 51% 21,772

Chris Pearson Conservative Party 23% 9,694

Steve Ashton UK Independence Party 20% 8,565

Mary Macqueen Liberal Democrats 3% 1,357

Martin Roberts Yorkshire First 2% 1,018


Barry Sheerman (elected) Labour Party 45% 18,186

Itrat Ali Conservative Party 27% 10,841

Rob Butler UK Independence Party 15% 5,948

Andrew Cooper Green Party 7% 2,798

Zulfiqar Ali Liberal Democrats 6% 2,365

Mike Forster Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 1% 348


Kris Hopkins (elected) Conservative Party 44% 21,766

John Grogan Labour Party 38% 18,713

Paul Latham UK Independence Party 12% 5,662

Ros Brown Green Party 3% 1,661

Gareth Epps Liberal Democrats 3% 1,321


Hilary Benn (elected) Labour Party 55% 24,758

Nicola Wilson Conservative Party 17% 7,791

Luke Senior UK Independence Party 16% 7,082

Michael Hayton Green Party 8% 3,558

Emma Spriggs Liberal Democrats 3% 1,529

Liz Kitching Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 1% 330


Richard Burgon (elected) Labour Party 54% 20,530

Ryan Stephenson Conservative Party 21% 7,997

Mark Maniatt UK Independence Party 19% 7,256

Edward Sanderson Liberal Democrats 3% 1,296

Kate Bisson Green Party 3% 1,117


Fabian Hamilton (elected) Labour Party 48% 23,137

Simon Wilson Conservative Party 33% 15,887

Warren Hendon UK Independence Party 8% 3,706

Aqila Choudhry Liberal Democrats 5% 2,569

Emma Carter Green Party 5% 2,541

Celia Foote Alliance for Green Socialism 1% 451


Greg Mulholland (elected) Liberal Democrats 37% 15,948

Alex Sobel Labour Party 30% 13,041

Alex Story Conservative Party 19% 8,083

Tim Goodall Green Party 7% 3,042

Julian Metcalfe UK Independence Party 7% 2,997

Bob Buxton Yorkshire First 0% 143

Mike Davies Alliance for Green Socialism 0% 79

Mark Flanagan Above and Beyond 0% 24


Rachel Reeves (elected) Labour Party 48% 18,456

Alex Pierre-Traves Conservative Party 20% 7,729

Anne Murgatroyd UK Independence Party 18% 7,104

Andrew Pointon Green Party 8% 3,217

Laura Coyle Liberal Democrats 4% 1,495

Matthew West Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol 1% 217

Ben Mayor Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 1% 205


Andrea Jenkyns (elected) Conservative Party 39% 18,776

Ed Balls Labour Party 38% 18,354

David Dews UK Independence Party 16% 7,951

Rebecca Taylor Liberal Democrats 3% 1,426

Martin Hemingway Green Party 3% 1,264

Arnie Craven Yorkshire First 1% 479


Yvette Cooper (elected) Labour Party 55% 25,213

Nathan Garbutt UK Independence Party 21% 9,785

Beth Prescott Conservative Party 21% 9,569

Edward McMillan-Scott Liberal Democrats 3% 1,330


Stuart Andrew (elected) Conservative Party 46% 23,637

Jamie Hanley Labour Party 38% 19,136

Roger Tattersall UK Independence Party 9% 4,689

Ryk Downes Liberal Democrats 4% 1,926

Claire Allen Green Party 3% 1,539


Philip Davies (elected) Conservative Party 50% 25,269

Steve Clapcote Labour Party 31% 15,645

Waqas Ali Khan UK Independence Party 9% 4,479

Kevin Warnes Green Party 5% 2,657

Andy Martin Liberal Democrats 4% 1,949

Darren Hill Yorkshire First 1% 543


Mary Creagh (elected) Labour Party 40% 17,301

Antony Calvert Conservative Party 34% 14,688

Alan Hazelhurst UK Independence Party 18% 7,862

Finbarr Cronin Liberal Democrats 3% 1,483

Rebecca Thackray Green Party 2% 1,069

Mick Griffiths Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 1% 287

Elliot Barr Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol 1% 283


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