Young people in the East Riding encouraged to stand for UK Youth Parliament elections

Megan Baxter, Riley Voase and Joel Cromie, students at Hornsea School and Language College, are pictured with Councillor Ben Weeks, chairman of East Riding of Yorkshire's children and young people overview and scrutiny committee.Megan Baxter, Riley Voase and Joel Cromie, students at Hornsea School and Language College, are pictured with Councillor Ben Weeks, chairman of East Riding of Yorkshire's children and young people overview and scrutiny committee.
Megan Baxter, Riley Voase and Joel Cromie, students at Hornsea School and Language College, are pictured with Councillor Ben Weeks, chairman of East Riding of Yorkshire's children and young people overview and scrutiny committee.
Young people across the East Riding who want to make a positive change in the area they live are being invited to stand as candidates for election to the UK Youth Parliament.

East Riding of Yorkshire Council, working in partnership with East Riding Voluntary Action Services (ERVAS), are looking for young people between the age of 11 and 18 to nominate themselves as candidates.

The East Riding is looking to elect two candidates to the UK Youth Parliament, along with two deputies, and anyone who is between the age of 11 and 18; lives, works or studies in the East Riding is eligible to stand in the elections.

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Those who are elected will then become the East Riding members of the UK Youth Parliament and get to sit in the Houses of Parliament in Westminster and vote on issues that are important to young people and help make a positive change for everyone.

Help and support will be available from ERVAS and those who register an interest in standing for election will be contacted directly to talk about the process further and also invited to attend a Zoom meeting where they can ask questions and understand the democratic process of an election.

Councillor Ben Weeks, chairman of children and young people overview and scrutiny committee at East Riding of Yorkshire Council said: “The UK Youth Parliament is not only a great way for young people across the East Riding to use their elected voice to raise issues that are important to the East Riding but also to introduce them to the democratic process.

“It is also a great opportunity for a young person from the East Riding to represent us on a national level.”

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“Anyone in the East Riding aged between 11 and 18 can nominate themselves and I would encourage everyone to think about how they can use their energy and passion to bring about change and consider putting themselves forward as a candidate.

Detty Tyler, children and young people’s services co-ordinator at ERVAS, said: “Youth Parliament is a fantastic opportunity for young people in East Riding to have their voices heard at a national level and to really make a difference for all young people in East Riding.”

The closing date for nominations is 5pm on Monday, December 6, 2021 with elections taking place in February and the declaration being in March.

More information about the nomination process, standing as a candidate and the application form can be found at

Click here for more information on the UK Youth Parliament