YP Comment: Corbyn comes under fire again - Labour repeats Trident backing

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn says the party's nuclear policy is "under discussion."Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn says the party's nuclear policy is "under discussion."
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn says the party's nuclear policy is "under discussion."
It's an illustration of just how dysfunctional the Labour Party has become under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership, that a spokesman was compelled to issue a statement reiterating the party's support for maintaining Britain's Trident nuclear deterrent after the Labour leader appeared to throw it into doubt.

Speaking on The Andrew Marr Show, on BBC 1, Mr Corbyn said “all aspects” of defence would be reviewed if he won power when questioned on the matter. Cue the hastily released statement.

Mr Corbyn is a lifelong supporter of unilateral nuclear disarmament and last year he was forced to abandon his attempts to persuade the party to back his unilateralist position in the face of strong opposition.

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His latest comments threaten to reopen old wounds and will give further ammunition to Tory leaders who are seeking to make Mr Corbyn’s fitness for office a focus of their election campaign. They came as Conservative Party chairman Sir Patrick McLoughlin launched a stinging attack on the Labour leader saying he was “not suitable” to be prime minister.