Leeds driver Ollie Wilkinson joins exclusive list of British Racing Drivers’ Club members

Leeds driver Ollie Wilkinson has been elected as a full member of the British Racing Drivers' Club. Picture: Xynamic.Leeds driver Ollie Wilkinson has been elected as a full member of the British Racing Drivers' Club. Picture: Xynamic.
Leeds driver Ollie Wilkinson has been elected as a full member of the British Racing Drivers' Club. Picture: Xynamic.
LEEDS driver Ollie Wilkinson has been elected as a full member of the prestigious British Racing Drivers’ Club.

The 24-year-old, who only started racing in 2017 and has already starred as an Aston Martin Racing Academy driver and a McLaren professional driver, managed to meet the club’s full membership criteria within 12 months, despite a condensed 2020 season of competition due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Acceptance as a full member of the BRDC – one of the most exclusive clubs in global motor racing, comparable to gaining a national cap in rugby, cricket or football – is a long-term aspiration for many British and Commonwealth drivers and is a club that includes legendary drivers such as Sir Jackie Stewart, Sir Jack Brabham OBE, Sir Stirling Moss OBE and seven-time Formula One world champion, Sir Lewis Hamilton MBE as well as Wilkinson’s 2020 team-mates Rob Bell and Joe Osborne.

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“It’s an absolute honour to now have full BRDC membership status,” said Wilkinson. “Membership to arguably the most prestigious racing drivers’ club in the world has to be earned on merit, so it is fantastic to be recognised by the BRDC for my achievements. When I started racing three years ago, I didn’t think club membership would be something I could achieve in my career, so to have done that in such a short space of time is incredibly rewarding.

Leeds driver Ollie Wilkinson. Picture: Xynamic.Leeds driver Ollie Wilkinson. Picture: Xynamic.
Leeds driver Ollie Wilkinson. Picture: Xynamic.

“I would like to thank everyone who has helped to make this possible and I look forward to proudly representing the club across the world.”

Luke Evans, BRDC club operations executive added: “Achieving full membership of the BRDC is a lifelong ambition for some, so for Ollie to have reached this milestone at the age of 24 is a phenomenal effort.

“I think what is most astonishing in Ollie’s case is the accelerated nature of his career development, and the level of success that he has been able to attain over the last three years.

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“Very few would have been able to step into a GT3 car and get to grips with things so quickly.

“Ollie has a long career in racing ahead of him and I am looking forward to seeing what he will go on to achieve in the future, no doubt proudly displaying the club’s badge like so many greats have done before him.”

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